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07/24/17 11:30 AM

#8 RE: highlandernew #7

Yep, exactly. I wish they would make a statement concerning their shares; stating their intentions or time frame they will restrict themselves from selling them-I think it would greatly help. The only issue I see in the future is, and this is based on memory, that there are 25 million shares that become tradable as of September 30th 2017. Now depending on the trading price at that time they could easily have a strategic investor come in and buy them, have the holder agree to withhold any sale for a period of time or even buy back themselves as they did plan to buy back 27 mil shares I think it was but that was between .14-.20 or something? A lot of this is based on memory as I am at work so please correct me if I am wrong. My biggest reason for investing personally is knowing the Tragically Hip and being from Kingston. I have bumped into them on the street in the past, they went to high school with my folks (bit younger though), and this is anecdotal, but they are very genuine/good people. They wouldn't be investing their time or money let alone their brand and image if they didn't believe in the company;they could have easily bought shares using private corp and stayed anonymous. Also, if the Tragically Hip wanted to invest somewhere and advocate for a company there probably isn't a company in all of Canada that would turn down that support but Newstrike Resources got it so that says something. Anyway, back to work. Have a good one!