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07/24/17 12:37 PM

#56680 RE: Doc Holliday #56677

NSEH is broke, 24 mil., debt, never ever produced a product or service. Year after year CEO made FALSE CLAIMS AND PROMISES OF MANY DIFFERENT BUSINESS DEALS AND PARTNERSHIP CLAIMS THAT LATER TURNED OUT TO BE LIES. ie, Ronn Motors, claims of selling the Co. twice and actually claimed the deals went through when they NEVER DID.. Read stickie to see some of the false claims and promises. That was all followed by a 1500-1 R/S that was claimed would never happen. After R/S it went from .15 all the way down to .0001. An now false claims of taking oveR an airline without money. lol NEVER HAPPEN ESPECIALLY SINCE IT IS A DEFUNCT AIR CUBA..LOL