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07/23/17 7:47 PM

#47413 RE: Cheekie #47412

Cheekie-Good Grief! Zacks 2012 Price Target was $15!

Do you honestly believe Zacks has any credibility where APDN is concerned?

Perhaps your "informational" post was well intentioned, but imo it underscores the truth behind the adage, "Context is everything."

So, lets provide a little context ...

Here're a few gems excerpted from zany Zacks' delusional 2012 November "analysis" of APDN...and before anyone balks and says, "Well, that's just one year!" can read all of Zacks subsequent "analyses" on APDN to see for yourself the same hilariously wrong-headed revenue/pps forecasts and misdrawn conclusions.

"The Company will become profitable in fiscal 2015 with net income of $9.4 million or EPS of $0.01 per share." APDN LOST $8M in 2015 (Zack's was off --in the VERY WRONG DIRECTION-- by $17M).

And then, APDN proceeded to LOSE another $12M in 2016!!

"We think the Company should trade around a P/E of 30x. If we apply this P/E to our estimated EPS of $0.01 in fiscal 2015, discounted at 20% for 3 years, we get our price target of $0.25 per share. This values the company at $156 million in market cap, which is reasonable in our view."

25 Centavos preRS in 2012 equates to $15 postRS now....and we all know how the POST r/s pps fell to 95 centavos just a month or so ago...

Furthermore, nearly 5 years later the market cap currently stands at $42M -- NOT ANYWHERE CLOSE TO $156M -- AND ONLY after recovering from a plunge to about $25M mid-June!!

Hey, you've got to love the "...$156 million in market cap, which is reasonable in our view." haha (emphasis plus hysterical laughter mine)

Seriously, imo Zacks' APDN "analyses" should come with a warning label "For entertainment purposes only."