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07/23/17 12:15 PM

#24126 RE: WHH007 #24125

No, I'm not sure what green sentiment is, but there was $35 Total dollar volume on Friday lol. That's hardly any sentiment at all, much less "green sentiment" - fact is ASKE closed red.

According to OTCMarkets, the last time ASKE actually verified their company profile page was February.

FYI, removing a name doesn't mean Zoyes isn't active. He has almost 2B shares reserved for him, plus they report he's loaned them money which is, of course, convertible to ASKE shares.

So sorry, ASKE isn't on the B*O*B any longer. Of course as I said previously, it's meaningless, nothing came from it - it only represents the percentage change in average posting on a particular board, nothing more.