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07/23/17 10:44 AM

#5062 RE: Count Monte Cristo #5061

Count Monte Cristo, why this WSRA thought is simple...

Going long term is at the discretion of the investor. I've been in WSRA for a few months now and I made the decision a while back that I was going long. You can see me as a "newly" long term shareholder. Again, this is my discretion to determine such.

Even though the news is 2 years old, I have not been knowing of this news for 2 years because it was buried within the company's filings. I searched through their filings for more than 2 years when I originally bought and I learned that even though it was within some of their previous filings, it is still "quietly" within their most recent filings. I say "quietly" because if investors never knew about WSRA existing, then one would never have a reason to look through their filings... unless someone finally mentions it to them that is aware of WSRA like what happened to me.

From my experiences within the penny stock world, the norm would have been for the company to release such news within a PR... they didn't. So, in my opinion, since it's still within their recent filings, the deal must still be on the table. This is only my opinion.

I'm guessing that maybe they are waiting on some key entity of support to deliver the funding. Only a guess. Sometime things of this magnitude takes time. Look at BLDV for an example. They have a particular major project that have been in the process of obtaining funding for over 2 years. Finally, things are coming together to where it is strongly learned that such is now going to happen.

Please, I'm not trying to pump BLDV. My point is that sometimes, projects of a huge magnitude could take 2 years or so to finally manifest into a reality and this would be a good one to research for proof.
