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07/22/17 4:56 PM

#191376 RE: slcimmuno #191374

Good thing you guys were on top of this I'd hate to have to be chasing the stock Monday morning!!!



07/22/17 5:40 PM

#191385 RE: slcimmuno #191374

also the 26 weeks vs our 16 weeks timeline

Where does it say anything about a 26 week study in the article???


07/22/17 7:24 PM

#191411 RE: slcimmuno #191374

thank you

rumor was wrong about P
Is good to see a story about Oral PsO but it isn't Prurisol -- the placebo #s off as you flagged -- also the 26 weeks vs our 16 weeks timeline

Still -- story does show why Orals, like Otezla, can command a substantial part of the market ... 2bn -- pill so much easier to administer

An interview w Dr Forman - about 10.20m in he's asked about an Oral drug trial he's participating in... goes right into talking about JAK inhibitor

So there must be a JAK PsO drug, not
Tofacitinib, in testing (Pfizer... failed in PsO due to side effects, but a Go in UC, even if unimpressive #s -- 18% vs 6% active to placebo)


Forman Mentions "Second Golden Age in PsO Treatments" -- things setting up well if Prurisol delivers the data

Hope we at least match Apremilast and maybe do better -- put a little fear into the Biologics