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Digital Sundial

07/22/17 2:49 PM

#4304 RE: J_Dean #4303

Great so the crazy hair guy from ancient aliens is buying it? Love that guy, because A-L-I-E-N-S.


07/22/17 2:51 PM

#4305 RE: J_Dean #4303

Yep those also ones to consider! Haha

But let's get real:
I still say the following
Outcome: Buyout
Who: ? I liked the Roche theory
Price: ?? Anyone's guess $4.00-$8.00
Sclc data: we never see it, it owned by Who
When: I said 60 days from 05/12/17 when this all began because I believed that was what we would be voting for on 7/12/17, but when they filed the DEF instead of the DEFM on 06/29/17, I say that gave them 30 days from that point so I adjust my original projection to 07/29/17.

Who knows. Just my total guess. Trying to use everything I have learned plus the events that have taken place plus some instincts.

I still believe this is big money doing big money things and I am just along for the ride.

Love to hear anyone else's opinion as this all just my own.