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07/23/17 11:08 AM

#550 RE: nathanial #549

Yea Rik the CEO like Steve Nelson from Break Point Trades, will tell you things are great and in 30 Days something big will happen. Let me tell you, that Rik has been saying this for over a year now, he said the death spiral financing will not happen that the company is in great shape to pay it back, and of course, they converted and Rik as always is full of shit, since the company could not pay back. He said he will deal with KOIOS to get the revenue stream into GRSU more than a half a year ago, and guess what, the only revenue stream he got was probably in his pocket. He said the financial will be out in time, and as always, "there is something the audit firm is missing, or something they are finalizing", so any day they will release the financials, which is a lie. Their financial is just a copy paste from every quarter, since they have zero revenue, negative progress, and positive expense, a high school drop out would be able to provide these financial in a day, but Rik in charge will tell you otherwise...
And the list of lies goes on and on. Look at what Rik has done to this company since he took over. I heard more lies about this shit hole than in politics, the stocks is down 99%, etc, but wait he will tell you its rebounding :). He is a joke, the stock is a joke, and he like Steve Nelson profits from poor peoples money, while telling all the lies in the world. Last I heard he said they are working on another "huge deal", which will be announced shortly, sure I guess his strategy never ends, something big will happen shortly, like it did the whole year! Whatever he says, its a lie, until he can actually deliver something (which will be a miracle), his words are as good as a prostitutes virginity...


07/24/17 12:25 PM

#552 RE: nathanial #549

thnx Nath'