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07/22/17 10:04 AM

#30291 RE: jumanji0881 #30289

I refer back to the Wash DC Pres election results...
93% Hillary...
No one there wanted Trump or any shake up of the gravy train.
To say nothing will get done is an understatement.

The DAX had a break of the 50 dma, a check of it, and now downward hard -
Perhaps the spark of the powderkeg.
We all know Europe is a fiasco.

Still holding the SLV calls I posted about on July 6th -
Up nicely and letting them ride.


07/23/17 2:52 PM

#30295 RE: jumanji0881 #30289

comey's muller has put together a democrat hit squad. he should be fired by trump.


07/24/17 4:34 PM

#30305 RE: jumanji0881 #30289

New sanctions on Russia while Mueller is investigating the Trump business and financial dealings (and 'wheelings'). The plot is thickening, lol.

One thing that is unique and peculiar about Trump (and it works great in business!) he is a true "original" and indeed "unpredictable" as he always claims to boast about- to a great degree. But not entirely as after a while he loses even that claim being an eccentric and bizarre humanoid. But, he will push the limits of everything and anything whether in politics or social media. I'd even say a character that is indeed a "shaker" and "mover". He has fun in practicing that "art" to remain the center of attention while he has something else going on. Does he have a plan? Hmm... hard to make sense out of it, most of the time.

His highly amuse-able claim during the campaign turns out to be "dead" right, lol. "Nobody else can solve this mess but me!!!!!"

I find his "world" often most "entertaining" (as an independent and one disgusted with politics as-usual). I never was a party (politically speaking), while my wife can't even stand him!

The comedic shows about him and on him are thriving late at night... in addition to his daily acts (twits and all). More interesting than reality-tv shows- including his own successful ones! We need him to enliven the scene at home and world stage, lol.