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07/21/17 1:27 PM

#31866 RE: 1manband #31862

Now this is a scenario that makes absolute sense to me on where NEWC is and why Campos is reacting the way he is.

I don't believe the 10's are an answer for NEWC even IF they materialize.

Fortunately for me, I unloaded at .03 and again at over .01

Now I'm holding a position that is a non factor, and hoping for a last spike before the nebulous shutdown by SEC.

I do however, take issue with NEWC continuing to try to lure in investors and pumping this stock.

But to your point on another post, pennyland, watch your ass! Lol


07/21/17 2:33 PM

#31867 RE: 1manband #31862

Also Newc has no money. The SEC has to be a very screwed up organization or Newc would have been long gone. Now he is telling us if you don't like it sell and move on. I bet he got into it with one of his long time and very large holders. Even they are getting disgusted with Campo's unrelenting BS.