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07/21/17 11:04 AM

#71389 RE: Coz Mabluda #71387

When they deliver, they offer to hoist them up to the edge of the roof, charge $1 per bundle and will give you 15 minutes to get them off. Being you have to scatter them all over the roof due to weight, I figured it was easier to just have them deliver them on the ground and I'd get them up there on my own. Worked out OK and been done now about a month. Looks nice. Saved easily $3k or a bit more compared to the couple estimates I got.

Funny story. I contacted one guy from a Co on Craigslist and he said he'd be there the next night. It's a legit Co as I know where it is. He never showed so I ended up forgetting about him. Weeks later and 1/2 way into doing it on my own, I see a pickup truck with ladders pull up in the driveway one night as I was on the roof. It was the guy to give me an estimate. He apologized for being 2 weeks late and I kid you not, he was so drunk he could barely stand up LOL.