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07/21/17 10:47 AM

#39587 RE: Newtogame #39586 assured, my friend, there is a lot of legal maneuvering going on behind the scenes........................the FDIC won the lottery times a few hundred million......................sit back and watch these animals.......

.....meantime, certainly BS and mark e. haynes are deciding whether to appeal martinez decision............the FDIC wants to preserve the ruling and WILL settle rather than risk an appeal, imo.........but you can NEVER, EVER predict what the FDIC will me........mofos have shocked me every f/-ing time over the past 30+ years.............

......only consolation, IF......IF anything comes of this mess.........the FDIC throws around GARGANTUAN chunks of money when they do succumb......which is rare..........and any money paid out on uwbi cusips ain't FDIC would be tax credit monies for and from frankie and HOPE.........$178mm's already been booked.......where the F/- is that.....?????.........................

........nightmare opossum bancorp........................THE MIDDLE FINGER............ the record, can you imagine the next bank exam on KS Bank - - if KS does not sell out to frankie.....????'s state-chartered, but the FDIC is still a supervisor...................if KS stiffs frankie..........wipe it out...............and guess who will get KS from the Receiver............?????, guess...........