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07/20/17 11:24 PM

#6124 RE: Implanting #6123

Read and it makes perfect sense. The writer reminds me of Obama in his skill to articulate. It all seems quite hopeless for those who are hoping for a less catastrophic outcome of the mess we are in thanks to years of elite manipulation and almost complete control of world events. So I think we can both agree there is no avoiding a complete disaster without a miracle. Right?

Trump nor Congress nor Senate can fix this.

So if we do escape the inevitable it will require divine intervention.
So all we can do is wait and see how it plays out. Disaster or the world as it was heading getting torn from the grip of the elite and world order powers to be. There is no other way for us to get out of this pending disaster.

There was no way IMO for Trump to have be elected without divine intervention. So it will be going forward. No way to be saved from the elites' plans other then the ONLY power that can defeat them. It is not TRUMP or our government that is for sure. You see clearly what we are facing if left on our own.

Only time will show us the truth of our destiny.