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Lone Clone

07/24/17 9:30 PM

#33607 RE: kozuh #33600

OT: I don't blame you for your lack of knowledge about Canada; it's a n occupational hazard from living in such an inward looking country. You may even be in the top percentile of your countrymen and women in that respect.

Canadians are perforce very different, because we have a much higher proportion of immigrants. But also, we live next to an elephant that hardly even knows we exist, so we have to pay close attention so we don't get crushed by that elephant, which is just as likely to happen accidentally as on purpose.

A Canadian satirist named Rick Mercer had a long running and very popular TV programme that consisted simply of him doing streeters exploring random United Statian's knowledge, or rather lack of knowledge, about Canada. It was both hilarious and terrifying.

Yes, Quebec has almost left several times, but the separatists are now a spent force. There are Canadians who like to complain about la Belle Province, but I find they are the same people who like to visit Montreal, the closest thing there is on this continent to a European city, as often as possible. Really, Canadians are in general very proud that we manage to keep Quebec as part of us.

As to the idea of any part of Canada joining the US, there is zero chance of that; we know you too well. A better idea might be for Washington, Oregon, and Northern California to get away from the guns, racism, and bad health care by joining Canada. Well, the coasty bits anyway; there are a lot of rednecks in eastern Oregon.