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07/20/17 4:27 PM

#12546 RE: midtieroil #12545

I agree the chance of success number (18.8%) should not have been hidden and I for one was VERY appreciative that you disclosed it for all here to be aware of. Any yes this number is so important that repeating frequnetly was very essential. Although some here thought doing so held back a predrill run up, that concept is just wrong. The 18.8% was a decent chance to find oil and what held back any predrill run up was ERHC's management past history. Most here belonged to the fool me once club and wanted to wait for real proof of oil before committing more money into ERHC. I only wish those who wrongly believe that there was no predrill run up because of the disclosing the 18.8% would realize the true cause of no run up was ERHC's bad management and nothing else.