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07/20/17 11:29 AM

#18656 RE: Sobek #18650

$ TKCI $

On June 30, 2017, Turnkey Capital Inc. (“TKCI”), entered into a Strategic Alliance Agreement (the “Agreement”) with Seminole Indian Company (“SIC”), a company controlled by Chief James E. Billie and Craig Talesman. The purpose and intent of this Agreement is to combine the resources and talents of, TKCI and SIC, in order to take advantage of every opportunity permitted by tribal sovereignty to create revenue streams in multiple areas in conjunction with operating partners that have existing marketing and customers in place, thereby limiting the capital requirements and risk. TKCI believes that structuring operations with Tribal Sovereignty should facilitate the delivery of the financial advantages of operating in a tax-free environment with limited liability, plus other benefits such as permit and zoning ease, supporting an ideal structure for investment capital and successful entrepreneurial ventures.

The agreement is for 24 months. TKCI will have an active role in developing the strategic direction of any acquired clients, which include defining short and long-term strategic goals; identifying and planning for the critical success factors to reach these goals; identifying and addressing the challenges and operational improvements required to achieve the critical success factors and, ultimately, the strategic goals. SIC, represented by Chief James E. Billie and Craig Talesman, will assist in the closing of the transactions by: 1) participating in meetings with key decision makers, providing process overview, and describing case histories of similarly situated projects; and 2) providing advice on issues such as i) location; (ii) deal structure; (iii) funding; (iv) timing/phasing; (v) cash flow/revenue collection issues; and (vi) other major implementation issues.

Net revenue from business operations created by the Alliance will be distributed equally – 50/50 - to TKCI and SIC.

TKCI will reserve ten percent (10%) of the shares of TKCI for SIC. These shares will be issued once an exclusivity agreement is reached between TKCI and SIC.

With all the other marijuana Stocks out long do You think it will be before TKCI is profitable like AMFE is?