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07/20/17 11:49 AM

#33596 RE: kozuh #33595

Yes, orbite has been a big disappointment. So many promises, so few achievements. Even fooled the Quebec government, that invested fairly recently.

Lone Clone

07/20/17 12:31 PM

#33597 RE: kozuh #33595

Your ignorance of Canadian politics is truly breathtaking.

One of the reasons Canadians get along in a very diverse country with a large proportion of immigrants is that most of us avoid making false and ludicrous statements about each other

A good example would be your statement that "Quebec is a parasite-province supported by the hard-working Canadian provinces."

A few right wing nutcases might say something like that, but generally we avoid the bigotry and prejudice that arises from ignorance.

Your comment is the equivalent of white supremacists saying all blacks are lazy.

Most Canadians understand that the relative economic power of each province varies over time, and that the strong at any one point in time helping the weak makes the country stronger, an will be reciprocated when the strong and weak inevitably switch positions.

I have been involved in ORT from the beginning. The primary reasons it failed are twofold: technology startups almost always fail; and some poor decisions made by past management, who were not Quebecois, BTW.

Support from the Quebec government was the only thing that got them to the verge of success; without it they would have gone bankrupt long before.

Also, describing Trudeau as Quebecois might be technically accurate, as he represents a constituency in Quebec, but he was born in Ottawa, his mother is from Vancouver, his father was only half French, and he has spent more of his life outside Quebec.

Wherever you are getting your information on Canada from, ignore them and find a better source because they are giving you a very distorted an misleading view.

Most importantly, the blame for the money we lost investing in ORT lies one hundred per cent with the decisions WE made. I can understand the impulse to demonize a fantastical conception of Quebec in a vain attempt to avoid taking the responsibility for your own decisions, but it just makes you look bad.