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07/19/17 10:10 PM

#58880 RE: EDMGUY #58879

Are you saying Freschfield's product is not viable

What product?


07/21/17 4:57 PM

#58894 RE: EDMGUY #58879

I don't think they have a viable product and i don't think there is any other company with a viable product that meets their claims. They may have a nice theoretical design, like Solterra... Building industry publications would have covered it. There would be write-ups that didn't involve QTMM and weren't published by Freschfield...or Brandrefiner. I hope I'm wrong; how much cooler would the concrete jungles be? The idea of a building envelope powering a building is definitely in the right direction.

Another point of skepticism wrt SmartSkinz (aside from the name), polycarbonate by nature absorbs UV light and degrades in its presence. Either there needs to be a UV screening layer which would prevent it from utilizing UV energy to produce electricity, or it turns yellow. Not to mention potential BPA issues. The potential environmental hazard of enough polycarbonate to skin a building is pretty high imo. Glass is heavy, but buildings aren't race cars or F22 raptors and if you want to use light for energy, you're gonna start with the higher clarity material, glass.