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07/20/17 2:09 AM

#96451 RE: VinnyChase #96428

A scam?
They have a well on record with the state of Wyoming. How can that be a scam?
They are renting out land to Wildfire Cannabis who has proven sales on the state of Washington website. They scammed Washington too?
What they are guilty of is poor PR skills. But the business plan is there and it's real and provable. Just takes a lot of patience. Glty


07/20/17 8:06 AM

#96456 RE: VinnyChase #96428

Where did the $2.7Bill of Dolomite get to?

The Millions in MJ?
The OIL reserve of the century?
The gold?
The silver?
The gravel rev's?
The Audits?

So many questions for DRY HOLE WRIGHT!