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07/19/17 12:07 PM

#15637 RE: jessejames001 #15636

This stock is about to belly up can we just get this over with this pos is NEVER GOING ANYWHERE. Does the CEO realize he is a turd

God all I was hopeing for was it to just hit 0003 so I could mabey get out at even money but that is never going to happen so let's just put this dieing horse out of it missery


07/19/17 12:23 PM

#15640 RE: jessejames001 #15636

The same low is visible at Tda on 5/7/2015 day charts.
So it seems to me a 2nd test of that bottom of the charts.



07/19/17 12:36 PM

#15643 RE: jessejames001 #15636

Someone made an HUGE mistake on their order. Mistakely added two extra zeros in their sell order. Lol