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09/16/06 1:11 PM

#5 RE: atout #1

Nice, glad to see it.


09/17/06 9:21 AM

#6 RE: atout #1

Making Home Theater Dreams a Reality

Factors to give this company a great semi-long (3-5 years) return on investment,
are the following current trends:

1. A home theater can duplicate the good points of a traditional theater...
- big picture
- big sound

2. A home theater can remove the bad points of a traditional theater...
- admission price goes towards ownership
- on your schedule

For me its a memory of the movie experience long ago in the 1950s where the inside
of the theater building was a single screen. While its great to have more selections,
we will only watch a single movie at today's mega theater showing a dozen,
and once we choose which movie we enter a "tiny" box in the mega complex
that now can be duplicated with a home theater environment.

Its a change of topic what I discuss next, but the Theater Xtreme Entertainment Group
could later enter into it.

If 3-5 years from today most mega theaters go bust and their structure becomes
just more boxes for individual store to open in what is knowned as a department store,
and only 10% of homes have a home theater, and apartment dwelling folks have none,
then poof a need for a public theater will become a fact.

If so, then small vacent rooms in buildings can be transformed into a small theater environment
that will have like maybe two dozen nice chairs available.

The "home theater environment" can pop-up like mushrooms with a "Mom & Pop" store-like,
open to the public.

Put them next to every pizza store and rent them out in 3 hour blocks to families,
and have a cooler and microwave and table in each, and let the folks play & stop
the movie anyway they choose in that block of time. Maybe even allow the folks
to bring their own movies.

Or a pizza store rents out the space next to them, get a restaurant license that requires
a public bathroom installed, and rent out the "home theater environment" room in hour blocks.

Bottom line is for Theater Xtreme to make pre-made packages available for this
that incorporates making a profit on volume, not individual sales to single homes.

Mybe someone interested on this can forward this post to Theater Xtreme for comments.



10/13/06 8:38 PM

#19 RE: atout #1

Atout, thanks for the heads-up. I was unable to read it until after the market closed, but it looks like it didn't hurt me! Day closed red....

Preliminary reading looks better than encouraging. Nice to see a peenylander with revenues! And positive shareholder equity.

I will do more in-depth DD over the weekend. Looks like we're getting in early........

Again, thanks. Very much appreciated!