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07/19/17 8:49 AM

#75396 RE: WHITTENHALLJR #75395

Does anyone have a number I can call to speak with them? I will call and update you guys. We need a run here, this is begging for a multi begger!

Gooooo $SPRV


07/20/17 11:11 PM

#75405 RE: WHITTENHALLJR #75395

Perhaps people who aspire to improve healthcare in America
Might be better served by everyday shareholders volunteering
Personal research based on Individual needs in he market place.
No longer can the public believe in our elected officials to remedy the complex nature of the beaten horse that is healthcare in our country.
Information and an open source model should be the best approach.
Supply and demand is the course of a natural market but if people
Don't demand answers to each of their individual challenges then what good is a free market when it comes down to making these matters affordable in the market place.
SPRV is already in this sector. Just establishing an exclusive forum that allows people to share market information could put this company on the map. Huge demand for healthcare,do you know the quality of care your getting? Do you know what it cost?
Most likely your answer is no.
A free market may be the only answer to taming the monster that is healthcare in the U S.
Could SPRV provide that information and make it available through
A sound vision for communicating this wealth of knowledge from all over the world.