corproal, you know what? franckly I don't care that being a PPHM BoD member is not a full time gig (i guess you mean employment). But what goes for the other in that aspect goes for PPHM and Ronin has well hidden that all those BoD members in BP get less direct cash but actually make their money on bonuses and advantages such private jet use etc.
Maybe Ronin should do DECENT D&D and compare PPHM with companies that are not mainly turn-over driven because they have hundreds of product but compare with companies where that type of compensation isn't installed yet just as it is with PPHM.
By the way, someone has in the past posted a list on here with such companies and it showed that those remunerations of PPHM were perfectly in-line.
And it is because of those type of things that I do not trust Ronin anymore. If he doesn't hesitate to lie, or if not lieing at least present a trued that is manufacturered to make his point, then how on Earth can we trust him with PPHM when he will have the majority in the BoD, the Broker Non votes on his side and 8% of the PPHM shares.
WE CAN'T. So I adjusted my position based on the fact that the current Three Musketeers DO NOTHING to defend themselves against the accusations from Ronin, that we get NO explanation, etc in accepting that we may have to move 3 other BoD members in.
BUT NOT FROM THE RONIN SIDE. And I think the retail shareholders DO NOT NEED or PERSE WANT RONIN, they want 3 OUT and 3 OTHERS IN.
SO lets find solutions to do that and use Ronin's pressure on the BoD to get it done.