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07/17/17 9:31 PM

#14389 RE: Hugodrax #14388

Yes, there is a new optimism about PlayMPE moving from a PC base to a browser based solution, and it's clear UMG is working with them (even on stuff like internal pricing models).

There seems to be a subtle shift away from Clipstream and towards PlayMPE in terms of resources, especially to get the web based solution up and running (which would enable considerably wider use).

They are not giving up on Clipstream, they argue it's close to being as good as other solutions, which is almost literally my own assessment.

There is a shift here, they are not promoting their own web based platform and focus more on partnerships if and when they can add value.

Clipstream is something for the longer-term, I'm not surprised by that as we could check the evolving quality for ourselves with the demo's. But time is on our side:
- it will keep on improving through their efforts
- the churning of older, more resource constrained devices where it doesn't work well is continuing.


07/21/17 1:35 PM

#14408 RE: Hugodrax #14388

Nice call on ANY, hope DSNY can look forward to a similar run of trouble and imminent bankruptcy.

You consistently confuse the battle with the war.