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07/23/17 8:27 AM

#1821 RE: @THEPENNYWOLF #1812

BigJD Sunday, 07/23/17 07:49:10 AM
Re: None
Post # 24255 of 24255 SUPRAJZTURBO.
The bid hasn't hit .0002. That's what your waiting for. The ask did, but that's just to get people to buy this dog at a high price. This ticker hasn't seen .0002 on the bid in quite some time and won't. If it does many people will bail and the floodgates will open. A lot of peeps waiting for that day. HOWEVER, according to the "experts" this stock will fly "This week". It's been this week for awhile now and you'll notice that the timelines change daily. You will be dazzled with articles about 5G and promised acquisitions but they never pan out. This company has a dusty empty office(first hand account) and never answers phone calls. They do seem to send out a cookie cutter email promising news "soon". There is actually no proven ties to any contracts or customers in which icnm has made a profit. You can reference a post which provides a link to the financials which shows that icnm has a whopping 6 THOUSAND DOLLARS! on hand. Hardly a company that looks like it will be involved in a technological transition that is owned and controlled by much larger companies who actually have employees and equipment to do the work. Think about that for a second, empty office, no money, no previous contracts, no intellectual property and no equipment. Hmmmm. Some say it's a zip code changer(lmao). No, I don't think so. Beware the timelines and articles that have zero to do with icnm. The DD for this company should scare you and anyone interested in this dog to death.