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07/16/17 12:24 PM

#41121 RE: zerosnoop #41115

Here is the text. Nothing is said about forgiving any debt. A small portion which was in limbo status as a deferred amount was dealt with by moving out in the future which is based on a sales goal which will likely never be met.... so hurray for maybe skirting a 100k when it's all said and gone. Of course at that point Aot will be converted to a 1000 scoobie doo playground sets!

If Temple agreed to basically write off all these debts (780k) then Qsep would i be promoting the heck out of it with clear language. If it is true then it's a poorly written disclosure that must have been have been cobbled together by a mall attorney or the bed time algorithm stewing in McMullen's math brain.

The last showed Licensing fee's have been lumped with Accounts payable so Qsep not considering it "outstanding fees" just past due Accounts payable. This is distinction and why lawyers get paid the "big bucks" It's amazing the level of sleaziness with all these word plays and the fact they can't come out and be clear. It's just another indication of management obvious intention to play the same game.