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07/14/17 7:45 PM

#3092 RE: Prophetic Watchman #3091

More doom and gloom. Stock shorting is best after the run up


07/14/17 10:34 PM

#3093 RE: Prophetic Watchman #3091

I have been around as an investor in Zion Oil and Gas for a while also. I was here for the last two wells that produced bad results; however, unlike you, I do believe they are onto something this time. I do not believe this fully on Faith (though I am a believer and believe in things not yet seen ... Faith), I base some of my optimism also on the independent third party analysis that was performed at the request/requirement of the Israeli government.

I think, like you, Israel got sick of Zion going around and drilling holes in the ground and coming up with nothing.

This time, Israel's energy department required Zion demonstrate that they have a geological scientific basis to believe that there is a probability oil will be found where they propose to drill, and then submit their findings to an independent third party to analyze the data. If after all that effort, everything works out, then they would be given permission to drill where their data states they will find oil.

I think part of the reason it took so long between drilling is because of a tough stance Israel's energy department took with Zion. As stated in the past, its not like oil has not been found before in Israel and the surrounding countries. It just has not been found in a large quantity, even though all the surveys say it is there. Zion's license is a valuable one. "If Zion cannot find oil, then perhaps another contractor can" ... IMHO, this is what Israel's energy department was thinking.

After all that, if the third party agrees, then Israel would give the permission to drill their well.

If you look at the progression of the press releases, you will see that this is a possible conclusion.

Another positive sign is the professional construction of the drill site. IMHO, the drill site is of a type that is not built for wild catting. It is a seriously well site designed for a large oil find from which they can drill 5 more wells.

Now with that said, and looking back at what Zion has gone through with respect to the hoops they had to jump through, the fund raising they had to do, and where they are today ... To be honest with you, I think that everyone in the upper management team would tell you that it's a miracle that they are where they are today, let alone, find a commercial source of gas and oil.

This time they have it. This time they will find a commercial source of gas/oil. This time they did their homework, prayed and their prayers were answered. This time they are at the right place at the right time.

God is getting ready to show off!