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07/14/17 7:50 PM

#13112 RE: docweiser #13109

Thank you for the info you've provided's all very helpful.

I wonder if CNXS has been keeping up with their SEC civil penalties payment plan? The SEC isn't known as an efficient bill collector. With all the Form T & W dilution in the last few weeks, they could've paid off the bill in one payment and still have a quarter of a million dollars left over.

Imo, they should get the OTCM Caveat Emptor designation removed by submitting all the required data/info. Then continue submitting quarterlies/annuals to OTCMarkets in a timely fashion so they can maintain the OTC pink current tier.

Thanks again - Have a great weekend!


07/15/17 12:28 AM

#13118 RE: docweiser #13109

Wonder if one of the MODS can sticky this info on this page Let everyone who visits here know the real deal No doubt T HALL can handle this