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07/14/17 4:22 PM

#862 RE: Jakhoub #861

I agree with what you are saying about Ericson is partnered with Qualcomm on several deals that do compete against us....But I would not consider Ericsson as a contender. There are still many possibilities. Details I can not be given to you. The future will answer here.

As far as China is concerned, I totally agree with you.

Hope the same like you....I look forward to the next CC and the outlook for the rest of 2017-2018

When developments involve customers or operators, Sequans is required (by the terms of the non-disclosure agreements Sequans is signing with all of them) to obtain their approval of any announcement Sequans make and this often takes quite a while and sometimes they do not give Sequans their approval at all. In those cases, Sequans send tweets of relevant information that appears elsewhere to help keep investors informed.

The Q2 figures will give more clarity about the power of silence imo

GL Jakhoub