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07/14/17 8:03 PM

#8349 RE: rspect #8348

I'm butthurt always am if I lose money


07/15/17 7:46 AM

#8352 RE: rspect #8348

I did the same with American Airlines when it filed
for bankruptcy, and took several of my "friend" brokers
advice to sell.

I sold and recovered about 5% of my total investment,
and am still using the stock for the proverbial $3,000
loss carryover on Capital Gains.

Anyway, the company recovered. Before the current shares
where rendered useless upon restructuring with US Air,
the share price from what I recall when from about a buck
a share to over $14.00 per share.

Let's say I kept shares and sold at $10/share, I still would
have made a 33% profit.

So much for EVER listening to anyone else again.

I have A LOT of shares of ARO, and I am not selling them
until the Fat Lady sings. At least for now they survived
bankruptcy and anything can happen.
