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Ryan Industries

09/14/06 12:42 AM

#5281 RE: makesumgravy #5278

makesum -- 2% is unusually SMALL, but in these situations the existing holders don't much. in the TXP merger which i pasted for wally, existing shareholders got 5.3%. in that situation, however, even though we got diluted AGAIN, i'm still UP on my purchase. i'll illustrate:

i owned 50,000 shares of SMKT @ .025 average.

TXPO came in, split the stock (10:1), and issued the TXP management 94.7% of the OS. FURTHER, they did an S8 recently and issued another 30M shares or so.

I now own 5,000 shares at an average of $.25.

Fortunately, even with all the new stock, TXPO is a VERY strong company (I consult for them, and I'm compensated $2,000 by a third party [bellwether report]) and the stock trades actively between $.30-.40 right now. I haven't lost anything. Actually I'm up a little bit. If you want you can view my profile on TXPO on the site.

as i tried to explain to wally -- from the buyer's point of view (that would be beebe/perihelion), vision works is just a shell. it doesnt offer anything. for all intensive purposes it's a ticker with shareholders but no value.

from the buyer's standpoint, they are going to bring in a business, assets, revenues, etc. beebe paid for this. like i said, i think he paid $300-500K or so. in return, he gets what he pays for -- control of an overwhelming majority of the company.

what the unfortunate part is, i imagine, is that VWKM shareholders THOUGHT they were investing in a company with some value. it turns out, there was probably nothing there all along. that's more astrom and vwkm past management for not delivering any sort of real value to shareholders.

i have confidence that meager 2% will at least be worth SOMETHING in the near future.