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07/13/17 7:11 PM

#94442 RE: shibainu12345 #94436

I pegged you as a pilot, reporter, professor, or crazy couponer because all either like checklists, timelines, bullet points, or are extremely organized.

You should hear what they say about meeting minutes I take as I'm on a couple of committees, ahaha

I might have at one time liked to do all of the above professions shibainu and while have journeyed through a number of 'careers' broadcast journalism became like a passionate love affair where I wanted to invest all of me into it, day and night.

Can't say I miss it on a day-to-day basis as my life's actually more productive (no pun), enjoyable and for the most part fulfilled at this stage but I'll likely remain a reporter at heart: curious, inquisitive, questioning, gregarious... and I love an extraordinary story as well as telling it! I believe DOLV-JBMY? will be that.

Regarding the non-bias position.. yes it is important to me to be objective and just report the FACTS and thus why I don't regularly insert my opinion(s) ... albeit I have many... try to keep away from 'influencing' when it comes to other folks' funds. And that's also why I prefer to get the facts from the proper sources (need to remember there are times when those sources are not quite truthful, and that's usually found out the hard way unfortunately). For now, I believe we have the real deal with real professionals and a real operation that wants to grow the bottom line and in turn grow the pps and help make millionaires!

As I'm running out of posts... thanks to my friends tknuncle and jymshoe!

Let's keep it real here... and move on. Once that ticker changes (and it will) we may be quite 'golden' as they say!