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07/13/17 5:54 PM

#30540 RE: againstallodds #30539

lol, Surely he'd be better at that than he was at running a public company, GTRQ. How many times did we read certification was just around the corner?!

DJ Ponder

07/14/17 1:29 AM

#30542 RE: againstallodds #30539

Sullivan is a mental midget and a coward.
He is NOTHING even remotely similar to the ceo that he was very aggressively "group" marketed and promoted to be.
That message board marketing was exposed for the factless bs it was at the time ,which remains exactly the same factless bs today.

Wonder if SoloVan in hiding to practice his pole dancing.

Since he can't put up any project, he's probably doing just that with pizza and beer... and of course his stupid web sites .

He sure ain't no first violin, stay in the back and play polo

Nope , sullivan knew nothing about running a public company.
He was a puppet , his strings got tugged (not so) anonymously.