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07/13/17 10:22 AM

#302606 RE: TekNuLoof #302600

We should hear from all the other companies making offers of billions ?
Bio where are they?


07/13/17 10:30 AM

#302621 RE: TekNuLoof #302600

If bavi has value, and I'm not convinced that it does, who has a better chance of realizing that value, the old criminal BOD or the proposed qualified BOD? Pretty simple.

If bavi has value, who would more want to realize that value, somebody who owns over 8% of the company and realizes no compensation from the company, or somebody that owns almost none of the company and has taken millions from it? Pretty simple.

We now know what the fear factor will be to protect the current criminal BOD. If Ronin gets in he will junk bavi and just ride Avid. That is a lie. If Bavi has value, Ronin will uncover it or cash in on it because it is in his best interest to do so and he will put qualified people in place to make it happen.

This is simple people, very simple. Don't believe the lies. People are going to get exposed just as the BOD did.

If Ronin fails, he cashes out and we all lose. It will be the same as it's always been, unqualified people who's interest are not aligned with shareholders.


07/13/17 10:33 AM

#302628 RE: TekNuLoof #302600

Loof, I agree. The NCCN trials must go on.

I still think PS Blockade will be PPHM's ace.

But you're right. We need it in the right hands.


Joe Six