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07/14/17 2:16 PM

#20431 RE: Equitiesduke #20430

I agree 100%.
It has acted this way since 2008, and won't change until the next business cycle occurs 2018-19
The only way I've ever made any money on this was buying puts after each run up and stagnation
Right now, China is the U.S. in the 1950s, huge middle class growth.
Best to put money there for now in growing companies that trade on the U.S. exchanges, like BABA, MOMO, etc...
This once great country is falling apart


07/17/17 10:45 AM

#20435 RE: Equitiesduke #20430

That could be viewed as a good thing going into this afternoons earnings. Short coverings can create a 10-15% pop instantly...$25 has proven to be one tough mountain to surpass, but when the catalyst finally arrives, we'll probably blow right thru it into $27-28 IMO.


07/17/17 4:42 PM

#20436 RE: Equitiesduke #20430

It be #firesale time!