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07/12/17 7:55 PM

#44145 RE: jaxflguy #44144

It is hard to imagine based on what we know and what we think we know that you could lose money at 4 cents a share. How many times have we thought that before? Too many!!

The only sane approach is to accept that there is very likely a very large settlement coming to GERS. BUT, we must accept that in any number of ways, some we can envision now and some that are not now imaginable, something could happen that would prevent the common shareholders from participating in the financial benefits of this settlement (or final court adjudication). If you cannot accept that possibility, if you cannot accept that risk, if you cannot afford to flush all the money with which you are buying this lotto ticket this might be a difficult, frustrating, and disappointing place to be.

In my case, I have (mentally and emotionally) written off every cent I have placed on this craps table. I no longer consider the money mine and if any thing comes of this gambit I am ahead that amount.