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07/12/17 7:04 PM

#2950 RE: Citrati #2949

Thanks Citrati! Let's hope our other baby bio starts to move. Much success to you!

Phantom Lord

07/12/17 7:06 PM

#2951 RE: Citrati #2949

Agreed. I've been holding for a couple of years now. Bought in on some dips and glad to be in the green. Definitely could have made more money if i traded it but I don't like trying to time trades when I believe in the long term potential. Just accumulating for me. I tend to lurk around the board and while posting is light here, for whatever reason, it is definitely quality.


07/15/17 8:20 PM

#2952 RE: Citrati #2949

No joke
People have a very short attention span
"Everything takes time. Bees have to move very fast to stay still."

Patience And


"There seems to be an inborn drive in all human beings not to live in a steady emotional state, which would suggest that such a state is not tolerable to most people. Why else would someone succumb to the attractions of romantic love more than once? Didn’t they learn their lesson the first time or the tenth time or the twentieth time? And it’s the same old lesson: everything in this life—I repeat, everything—is more trouble than it’s worth. And simply being alive is the basic trouble. This is something that is more recognized in Eastern societies than in the West. There’s a minor tradition in Greek philosophy that instructs us to seek a state of equanimity rather than one of ecstasy, but it never really caught on for obvious reasons. Buddhism advises its practitioners not to seek highs or lows but to follow a middle path to personal salvation from the painful cravings of the average sensual life, which is why it was pretty much reviled by the masses and mutated into forms more suited to human drives and desires. It seems evident that very few people can simply sit still. Children spin in circles until they collapse with dizziness."

It is called MEDI SINE for a reason right? ;-) -~-