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07/12/17 4:47 PM

#212354 RE: DewDiligence #212353

Intriguing ? Pascal would likely stay IF ALL three were granted::
1)Mystic trial is successful given
2)ALL he already has endured and
3)argue for a pay package counter with BOD's@AZN.

The fact that the prominent Calcalist reports Pascal being tapped with specific terms to a company as prominent as TEVA says a lot IMHO.

I'm reading BETWEEN The Lines! ..... could be wrong.... but why would Calcalist report it!

This also has to do with my 4 decades front line experience as a:
Stock Analyst at Tier 1 firms
Money Manager
Dealt with successful hedge funds on both long and short side.

Had more fun working than with servicing never ending MB folks of varying abilities.

Have no position in AZN/TEVA; interest in Immuno Oncology over last 3 yrs.