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07/10/17 8:43 PM

#21591 RE: SamuraiJay #21587

You should do some current reading because your posting false info


07/10/17 9:05 PM

#21595 RE: SamuraiJay #21587

Textmunication reported a 259% revenue increase from $88,410 in Q1 2016 to $228,750 in Q1 2017.

Basically this has been their biggest quarter and they now have steady growth. As they mentioned, 80% of their CURRENT clients in a vertical they dominate will be on GEN 3, which will dramatically increase revenues. They now have a white label which they can duplicate. I don't care if you can't Google them and find them under SMS, a couple of small clients can do wonders where a larger company may not deal with. Oh, and Aspire, who is not with "hold your breath" CPA firm, just walked into one of the top 4 CPA firms saying "hey, can someone help us with this 25 billion dollar contract from the Government" They probably got one heck of a deal and now look MORE attractive. Before, they did not have a large CPA firm and they STILL were included in the deal. Let's say they are the step child that gets only 1% of those contracts...that is a quarter billion dollars over the next 10 years...not including any other contracts they get on a private level seeing that the government contract proves they are a major player. I am going to guess that they get more private contracts just with the kind of status they have. Yep I think it is not far fetched at all. Besides, just a mere $800 can get you a million shares right now.