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07/10/17 10:50 PM

#1429 RE: iwant2barafter #1428

it is sure acting like one. I am a trader. here is how I trade as example on SVU I shorted it at 3.22 and covered my short at 3.06 about 3 weeks ago. I am today at 3.23 and I will be out at 3.35 and then I will be in again at 3.36 and out at 3.50 and on the way up to 5.00 I will more then likely short it again if I see the pattern I look for. trading for .07-.10 cents may not sound like a lot but when you do it over and over it adds up.

it does not matter to traders like me if we are trading big board or OTC if the money is there we trade and we pass the word around with ALERTS to either get in or get out.

I do have long term holdings just so you know I understand the buy and hold method. but my long term holdings are in funds like Vanguard etc and I buy the S&P 500 Funds. those I invest a certain amount each month and never look at them.