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07/10/17 1:04 PM

#6044 RE: jt6455 #6043

Trump doesn't have to say one thing about what's apparently already been going on for a long time according to Avery Goodman. If Goodman is correct in what he claims that Obama issued a secret executive order back in 2013 directing the Fed to begin a gold swap policy that according to Goodman is still on going, but will be stopped by Trump. When he gets around to it.

My question is what's going to make Trump stop what's being done? I would agree with you that Trump knows very little about what's going on behind the scenes and probably doesn't care as long as everything appears fine. I contend if by stopping the gold swaps that would cause stock market problems or a sudden spike in the gold price, Trump won't do shit. Trump's Handlers may not even tell him about what's going on, it wouldn't be the first time that's happened.

Goodman claims that when Trump stops the gold swaps gold will soar because at that point the Banksters will have to allow the gold price to rise to cover their shorts. I can follow that logic, but he never explains to my satisfaction what will cause it to stop. IMO if he's waiting on Trump to stop it, it may not get done.

If stopping it isn't in Trump's best interest, I see it continuing.


07/10/17 1:23 PM

#6045 RE: jt6455 #6043

The transfer of wealth may already have happened if the U.S. is selling their gold. I read an article the other day that said Germany was selling gold. The wealth transfer from west to east may have already happened.