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07/09/17 7:55 PM

#40952 RE: bobby22xx #40949

Both previous CEO's got handsomely paid to walk into the sunset no matter what dismal results they delivered. When this happens in penny's pretty a lock that the company is an insider enrichment venture.
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07/09/17 8:13 PM

#40953 RE: bobby22xx #40949

The company recently transitioned from a long time R&D company to a company about to commercialize its products. That's why a new CEO was needed... someone who was already part of the industry, and a Board that was also industry connected. Well, that's what QS has now. Forget about what CEOS might have been paid in the past. In my opinion, they earned their keep getting the AOT tested, tweaked, and now commercialization-ready and the company SEC compliant.
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07/10/17 8:41 AM

#40958 RE: bobby22xx #40949

Mr Beggar was sacked by the major shareholders after they had enough of his lies & excuses. We can all thank the major shareholders who saved QS by bringing in Jason Lane & the new board. Beggar couldn't raise any funds despite him claiming he had wealthy friends which we all know was a load of bull. Beggar couldn't even execute the mergers & acquisitions strategy. Don't believe the lies spread by Beggar or his cronies Michael McMullen & John Valenti. These idiots need to be thrown out of the company by Jason Lane. Valenti has no qualifications or experience & is Beggar's yes man & his lap dog. Valenti should go back to his police job & issue traffic tickets. Shareholders attending the meeting on Friday have a right to question directors Don Dickson & Tom Bundros from the previous board about Beggar's golden parachute payout that was approved by his cronies Mark Stubbs, Chuck Blum & Nate Shelton. This was a criminal act as Beggar was nothing but a liar & a failure. As Beggar was sacked by the major shareholders, why did the previous board approve additional benefits to Beggar. From the 10q

"In addition, the Company also agreed to pay the CEO’s medical insurance for 24 months and provide use of a cell phone for 12 months with an estimated cost of $44,000"

Why should Mr Beggar have access to email when he has nothing to offer QS ? From the 10k

(b) Commencing as of the Effective Date and continuing for twenty-four (24) months thereafter, Employee shall be entitled to participate in any group health insurance plan which has been or may be offered to employees of the Company, including dental coverage, at the same level and cost of coverage Employee had while employed with the Company.

(c) Commencing as of the Effective Date and continuing for twelve (12) months thereafter, Employee shall be entitled to the continued exclusive use of a Company-issued cell phone, including a service plan, and email address, at the same level of service Employee had while employed with the Company.

Shareholders have the right to question the board why Beggar was given a undeserved payout. Beggar was nothing but a failure. There was enough "cause" to get rid of Beggar with no payout. Beggar ran off to hide in Hawaii at the last shareholders meeting. Beggar even changed the by laws of the company so that he could hide from the shareholders & hold a shareholders meeting via webcast. Why was Beggar so afraid to confront shareholders face to face ? We all know Jason Lane & the new board will do a much better job then Beggar & his yes man. Thank you Jason for coming to the rescue. Shareholders should demand Beggar's payout be stopped immediately as Beggar was nothing but an embarrassment. I will report his actions to the authorities.

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07/10/17 8:45 AM

#40959 RE: bobby22xx #40949

Shareholders can find the sacked ceo Beggar hiding at 3961 Foothill Rd Santa Barbara.

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07/10/17 9:10 AM

#40960 RE: bobby22xx #40949

Michael McMullen is a fake cfo who isn't qualified for the job. McMullen is another yes man to Beggar. Shareholders should demand the removal of this idiot who has no experience in public listed companies & doesn't know what he is doing. Since when does the cfo get paid more then the ceo & working less hours. From the 10k

"Mr. McMullen’s employment agreement (“McMullen Employment Agreement”) with the Company is effective April 1, 2017, pursuant to which he will serve as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer. The term (“Term”) of the McMullen Employment Agreement is two years. Annual base salary under the McMullen Employment Agreement for the full Term is $158,400. The Company will also issue options (“Options”) to Mr. McMullen to purchase 250,000 shares of restricted shares of common stock of the Company at a per share exercise price equal to the stock price listed on the OTCBB market at market close on April 3, 2017. The 125,000 of the Options shall vest on April 1, 2017, and 125,000 Options shall vest on April 1, 2018. The Options shall expire 10 years from the date of grant of the Options"

"Employee shall devote his abilities and business time to the performance of his duties, on average, not less than 32 hours each week"

McMullen can be found hiding in Tiburon, California. Shareholders have a right to contact this clown demanding answers. Email Beggar's lap dog at or contact him on 805.880.3542 or his cell phone 415.652.8061. Shareholders own QS, not Beggar or his cronies McMullen & John Valenti. The new board need to be made aware of these indivuals & their failed involvement with QS. Beggar was sacked by the major shareholders. Now Valenti & McMullen must go as well before more damage is caused. These fools have no experience in the oil industry.