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07/08/17 4:38 PM

#8992 RE: Tom4investor2011 #8991

Yeah….could or could not. Unfortunately many believe the markets may rollover sooner than later and what if the Trump steers us into a new world war or any military conflict for that matter.

Would be kind of cool to see GPRO drones carrying bombs into N. Korea or wherever …..hey…..GPRO could become a military defense company.

Just been trading GPRO for a few dimes and quarters…or rubles….LOL

Good Luck!


07/09/17 11:43 AM

#8995 RE: Tom4investor2011 #8991

What the heck does this prove? "GoPro stock has risen as much as 31% since dipping to a 52-week low"

Many stocks are up that much or more from 52 week lows. Did you know that we are in a huge bull market for MOST stocks. Maybe not GPRO.

BTW, why didn't you link to the source of that info? Want a defense company? Far smarter have bought stock in one.