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08/04/17 11:07 PM

#5350 RE: ReservedRisk #5300

$GMNI At a penny this BEAST is_only_worth_7 mil.. ;^) 
(700 mil Outstanding share count × .01 price per share =7 mil company market value.)
I see 20 mil market capitalization minimum When I look over where almost ALL vape stocks with these type of intentions in mind have gone... ;^) 

Press releases have ISSUED these goals thus far:
1)MORE brick and mortar store fronts
2)Acquisitions across country
3)Warehouse in michigan (85 jobs)
4)As well as NEW juices and/or vape mods (could be mmj or mj related)  

They got a $700,000 grant from the gov't of Michigan to create 85 jobs over 3 years! 

Hopefully the coming new vapes will be some dab/wax pens! 

$ERIOUS money to be made for the patient.. ;^)