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09/20/17 10:06 PM

#272851 RE: fuagf #270789

Finally, Busted!

"This DOJ Letter May Be More Alarming Than Trump Commission’s Request For Voter Data"

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

By Greg Palast


"Use of Crosscheck risks severe, discriminatory disenfranchisement of registered voters in violation of federal law."

Last week, the NAACP and League of Woman Voters filed a lawsuit to put an end to the state of Indiana’s use and abuse of Crosscheck.

Their evidence: the findings of the Palast Investigations team, our sleuths and our statisticians are cited throughout as the solid factual back-up for their suit to stop the wrongful removal of tens of thousands of voters of color in that state.

(Crosscheck is that secret hit list of 7 million Americans crafted by Kris Kobach, Trump's "Elections Integrity" czar. The list, targeting minority voters was discovered and uncovered by the Palast team.)

The NAACP cites our statistics, including our calculation that Crosscheck threatens to wipe out the voting rights of

"one in six Latinos, one in seven Asian-Americans, and one in nine African- Americans."

Forget the Pulitzer. The NAACP's legal citation is the best prize of all.

This suit is the first our work will be launching, ultimately gunning for all 28 states in Kobach’s vote suppression operation.

In Illinois, the ACLU and Indivisible have mounted a legal and legislative attack on Crosscheck and need our unique database of facts. We will get it done.

Other groups, from the NAACP to PFAW and the Civil Rights Center of Washington are counting on our team to investigate, update and propagate through our films and print reports the latest in these vote suppression tactics.

We couldn’t be happier. One of the legal teams in Virginia is asking us to help with the technical discovery process. We’ll do that.

Rev. Jesse Jackson has asked for a special update of our film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, to show in 1,000 churches. Done!

Requests for a special activist version of our film from 67 college organizations; the list of requests goes on. And we will say YES to it all.

... But we need your help. --

See also:

Matrix999 -- if this nation were not a racist/classist banana
republic by virtue of having little to no actual justice in its elections

It turns out Jared Kushner and Sean Spicer are also registered to vote in two states

Trump picks Al Capone of Vote Rigging To investigate Federal Voter Fraud

Look through Kris Kobach interstate crosscheck links and try to find anywhere "How" they
eliminated voters off the voter rolls in all these states in the last election. You won't find it.

The Trump Administration’s Voter-Suppression Plans Are Backfiring Badly

Is Donald Trump a real psychopath or just a bit of a tweet?