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07/05/17 3:57 PM

#36060 RE: al44 #36059

Do you remember when Trump flew into Harrisburg during the campaign and said, "It looks like a war zone." It is a war zone, but lots of snowflakes got upset that he said it.
Last fall, while making the 116 mile trip from my home to my hunting camp we noticed something profound. Along the entire route, there was one sign promoting Hillary, but simply thousands supporting Trump. My buddy Dave and I said at the time that we thought the election would be a lot closer than the mainstream media were predicting. At that time, Hillary was supposed to have a 14 point lead. So much for mainstream media polling.
A law such as Oregon is considering gets proposed every legislative session here in PA. The legiscritters who propose it are democrats from Philadelphia. Such bills never make it out of committee, and usually do not have enough sponsors to make the legislature seriously consider them.
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Kentucky filling the space between. That is why we are proud to call our state "Pennsyltucky."