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07/04/17 10:27 PM

#270772 RE: conix #270771

conix -- figures you'd obviously deliberately omit the author:

Is America still a nation?
Pat Buchanan: 'Are we passing on the house we inherited – or observing its demolition?'
By Patrick J. Buchanan [ ]
July 3, 2017 [with comments]

nice Lilliputian chickenspit move

Dale C

07/04/17 11:24 PM

#270774 RE: conix #270771

Had they taken the beautiful ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence and placed them in the Constitution most of the Amendments would not have been necessary. But the men who wrote "All men are created equal" by acts and deeds didn't believe it to its full extent. A nation that began with half truths, is subject to reinterpretation by the "man of the hour". Most convenient using elastic words.