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07/02/17 7:00 PM

#40851 RE: mr_sano #40848

Good catch Mr S ....

So now he should be an engineer because he has a job with QSEP .

Have you noticed all the crossover personnel coming to QSEP .. from
KMI and Trans Canada . IMO why would someone that worked on the
Project (AOT) work for a company if
It did not work .

Mr S might reply for the money !!!
Ya right !!!! Moving the whole family .
I would think you put your feet in the
Water before making a move like that .
And if it real than send for the family .
Must be something on the Horizon.

Someone's prediction just might come true .....

Remember do you own D/D
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07/02/17 7:02 PM

#40852 RE: mr_sano #40848

ABSOLUTELY FALSE. This is why TRANSCANADA is showing "CONTINUED INTERESTS" in the PROVEN AOT. This is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. From the Business Plan. AOT Case Study. This is clearly in reference to TransCanada & the PROVEN AOT.


QS Energy / ATS RheoSystems Joint Testing of
Commercial Beta Deployment on Mid-Continent High Volume Pipeline

In September 2014, a four-vessel AOT system was installed on a newly constructed, high-volume North-South, mid-continent pipeline under the terms of an Equipment Lease-Option to Purchase Agreement. Fabricated by QS Energy supply chain partners in 2013, the solid-state, 110-ton AOT system was shipped by freight truck and positioned on a gravel substrate on the equipment’s self-contained steel skid-mount at a pumping station of the customer’s choosing.

This commercial deployment and beta test opportunity was the result of extensive collaboration between QS Energy and executives and engineers from multiple producers, pipeline operators and supply chain partners. Following installation, pressure testing and calibration, the AOT system was interfaced with the extant SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) to provide a detailed overview of the system’s performance, including real time monitoring of flow rates, back flow pressure and other relevant metrics. Preliminary tests were conducted over a period of several weeks, under a variety of operating conditions and multiple grades of crude oil and diluent mixtures.

During the preliminary test cycle, it was determined that the electric field within the AOT pressure vessel was insufficient to fully treat heavy crude oils at flow rates expected under full-scale operating conditions. The power supply provided with the AOT device had been specified and approved by Temple University based on infrastructure and operating parameters, as well as on laboratory tests performed on crude oil samples provided by the pipeline operator. Detailed investigation verified the AOT power supply had been manufactured to, and was operating at, specifications as provided by Temple University, but was generating an electric field approximately 10% of that required to optimize treatment under full-scale operating flow rates 16 . It was further determined that replacing the AOT power supply with a more powerful unit would likely correct the situation. However, due to time constraints, all parties agreed to go forward with the testing using the installed power supply.

In its most extensive testing during this deployment, the AOT was operated under full-scale commercial operating conditions over a two-day period. Operations were overseen by the pipeline operator and QS Energy engineers, while engineers from ATS RheoSystems, a division of the CANNON Instrument Company (“ATS”), were on-site collecting data for subsequent analysis. Oil samples were taken from the pipeline both before and after treatment by the AOT. Viscosity measurements were conducted on three grades of heavy crude oils over the two-day testing period. Data collected and analyzed before and after AOT treatment demonstrated a decrease in viscosity of approximately 23 percent 3 hours after treatment, and a decrease in viscosity of approximately 11 percent 13 hours after treatment; 22 hours after treatment, the crude oil had returned to its original pre-treated viscosity.

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07/02/17 7:06 PM

#40853 RE: mr_sano #40848

INCORRECT. More from Temple University's web site. This is more FACTUAL & the TRUTH about the PROVEN AOT & TRANSCANADA.

An electrical device designed by professor of physics Rongjia Tao, which significantly enhances the flow of crude oil through pipelines, has been successfully tested on existing U.S. portions of the Keystone Pipeline by the TransCanada Corp.

Tao’s applied oil technology (AOT) device greatly reduces the viscosity and turbulence of crude oil. Patented by Temple University, the device was created with the financial support of Save The World Air, a Santa Barbara, California-based developer and vendor of commercial flow assurance solutions.

Utilizing electrorheology principles, Tao’s devices have been installed just downstream from pipeline pumps. The electrical field polarizes suspended nanoparticles found in crude oil, causing them to aggregate in short chains along the flow direction—which both decreases viscosity in that direction and effectively suppressing turbulence. This green technology may eliminate the need to heat the crude oil, a current costly industry standard, while significantly reducing required pumping pressures.

Tests have verified viscosity decreases of 40 percent. “It also reduces the power needed to pump crude oil by 72 percent while the flow rate is unchanged,” added Tao. “And by reducing pumping pressures, it’s much safer for both land-based pipelines and pipelines that connect with off-shore drilling sites.”

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07/02/17 7:09 PM

#40854 RE: mr_sano #40848

NOT TRUE. The sec has VERIFIED & APPROVED the INDEPENDENT reports provided by ATS RheoSystems, RMOTC & PETROCHINA. The INDEPEDENT results are published in the 10k about the PROVEN AOT. This is why the DRA & DILUENT companies & their AGENTS, LAWYERS & PARASITES are very concerned about the PROVEN AOT & the damage it will do to their industry & profits. The DRA & DILUENT companies have FAILED to stop the progress of the PROVEN AOT.

Laboratory and Scientific Testing

From 2010 through 2013, the Company worked with the U.S. Department of Energy (“US DOE”) to test its technology at the Department of Energy’s Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (“RMOTC”), near Casper, Wyoming. This third-party testing independently verified the efficacy of the Company’s technology operating in a controlled facility, using commercial-scale prototype of our AOT equipment. These tests were summarized in the US DOE Rocky Mountain Oilfield Test Center report dated April 4, 2012 (“ROMRC Report”), which reported AOT measured pressure loss reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 1, page 4) and viscosity reduction of 40% (RMOTC Report, Fig. 2, page 4); and reported observed reductions in line-loss and gains in pump operation efficiency across the entire length of the 4.4-mile test pipeline. A copy of the RMOTC April 4, 2012 Report is available on the Company website at: A subsequent long-duration (24-hour) test at the RMOTC facility tested the effectiveness of AOT in treating oil overnight, as pipeline oil temperatures and viscosities drop. In its report dated May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012, US DOE engineers recorded 56% reduction in viscosity of the AOT-treated oil versus untreated oil, with AOT effectively stabilizing oil viscosity throughout the overnight run despite dropping temperatures. A copy of the RMOTC May 3, 2012 to May 4, 2012 report is available on the Company website at:

Laboratory testing of our AOT technology has been conducted by Dr. Rongjia Tao. Testing of the technology as applied to crude oil extraction and transmission has been conducted at Temple University in their Physics Department, in addition to the US DOE, at their Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center, located on the Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 Teapot Dome Oilfield, north of Casper, Wyoming. In addition, a group led by Dr. Rongjia Tao, Chairman, Department of Physics of Temple University conducted experiments, using the laboratory-scale Applied Oil Technology apparatus at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (CNR). NIST is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, founded in 1901 in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Independent laboratory testing was also conducted as a collaborative effort by Temple University and PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center (“PetroChina”) in 2012. In its report dated June 26, 2012 (“PetroChina Report”), PetroChina concluded, “The above series of tests show that it is very effective to use AOT to reduce the viscosity of crude oil. We can see that AOT has significantly reduced the viscosity of Daqing crude oil, Changqing crude oil, and Venezuela crude oil, and greatly improved its flow rate.” (PetroChina Report, page 15). A copy of the PetroChina Report is available online at:

As previously reported in 2014, QS Energy installed and tested its commercial AOT equipment, leased and operated by TransCanada on TransCanada’s high-volume Keystone pipeline operation. The first full test of the AOT equipment on the Keystone pipeline was performed in July 2014, with preliminary data analyzed and reported by Dr. Rongjia Tao of Temple University. Upon review of the July 2014 test results and preliminary report by Dr. Tao, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that this initial test was flawed due to, among other factors, the short term nature of the test, the inability to isolate certain independent pipeline operating factors such as fluctuations in upstream pump station pressures, and limitations of the AOT device to produce a sufficient electric field to optimize viscosity reduction. Although Dr. Tao’s preliminary report indicated promising results, QS Energy and TransCanada mutually agreed that no conclusions could be reliably reached from the July 2014 test or from Dr. Tao’s preliminary report. As a result of this test, the Company modified its testing protocols and contracted with an independent laboratory, ATS RheoSystems, a division of CANNON (“ATS”), to perform follow-up tests at the TransCanada facility. This independent laboratory performed viscosity measurements at the TransCanada facility during subsequent testing in September 2014. As detailed in its field test report dated October 6, 2014, ATS measured AOT viscosity reductions of 8% to 23% depending on flow rates and crude oil types in transit. Over the duration of a 24-hour test intended to measure the recovery of the AOT treated oil from its reduced-viscosity treated state to its original pre-treated viscosity, ATS measured viscosity reductions of 23% three hours after treatment and 11% thirteen hours after treatment, with the crude oil returning to its untreated state approximately twenty-two hours after treatment. In its summary report dated February 5, 2015, ATS concluded that i) data indicated a decrease in viscosity of crude oil flowing through the TransCanada pipeline due to AOT treatment of the crude oil; and ii) the power supply installed on our equipment would need to be increased to maximize reduction in viscosity and take full advantage of the AOT technology. A copy of the ATS summary report dated February 5, 2015 is available on the Company website at: A copy of the ATS field test report dated October 6, 2014, with certain confidential information redacted, is available on the Company website at:

Although, as reported by ATS, the efficacy of the AOT technology operated in the TransCanada field test was constrained due to limitations of the electric field applied by that unit’s power supply, subsequent analysis by QS Energy personnel of ATS test results compared against laboratory tests performed at Temple University on oil samples provided by TransCanada revealed a single test run in which the electric field generated by the AOT was sufficient to fully treat the oil given operating conditions at the time of the test. In this test run, ATS measured a 23% reduction in viscosity three hours after AOT treatment. Laboratory tests at Temple University performed on a sample of crude oil provided by TransCanada of the same type treated in that specific field test measured a 27% reduction in viscosity in the laboratory immediately following treatment. Allowing for the actual three-hour of recovery time of the field test measurement, the resulting field test viscosity reduction of 23% correlates very well to the 27% viscosity reduction achieved in the laboratory setting.

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07/02/17 7:12 PM

#40855 RE: mr_sano #40848

ABSOLUTELY FALSE according to the EVIDENCE in the RECENT PR below about Shannon Rasmussen & the PROVEN AOT. Next

Veteran Pipeline Infrastructure Engineer Shannon Rasmussen Joins QS Energy To Lead Global Commercialization of AOT Flow Assurance Technology

HOUSTON, TX -- (Marketwired) -- 06/30/17 -- QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), a technology solutions provider for the energy industry, today announced it has named Mr. Shannon Rasmussen as its new Vice President of Engineering, adding a key industry veteran who, along with new CEO Jason Lane, will help lead commercialization efforts for QS Energy's Applied Oil Technology (AOT) -- an integrated system that improves critical operational efficiencies for pipeline operators worldwide.

As co-founder and senior principal of Colorado-based energy consulting firm Citrine Energy, Mr. Rasmussen comes to QS Energy with nearly two decades of experience in the power and oil and gas sectors, with deep expertise in engineering design, project and program management, construction, compliance, and quality.

Mr. Rasmussen comes into this new role at QS Energy with critical knowledge of AOT and its demonstrated ability to reduce the viscosity of crude oil -- helping operators increase flow volume, reduce reliance on diluents, relax viscosity requirements, and meet carbon emission reduction goals while decreasing operating costs and improving pipeline efficiency. As a consulting engineer for TransCanada in 2014, Mr. Rasmussen experienced AOT operations first hand; in a similar role for QS Energy over the past two years, he helped spearhead critical design and fabrication improvements that have resulted in significant gains in AOT operating efficiencies, while achieving stable operations on a high-volume high API crude oil pipeline.

"I have seen first-hand what AOT can do for pipeline operators, and why it's critical to their long-term success," says Mr. Rasmussen. "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to expand on our initial success with AOT, help continue to improve and streamline it, and work with pipeline operators to bring this technology to wide adoption across the industry." Adds CEO Jason Lane: "Shannon's on-site experience with AOT, along with his deep industry expertise and contacts, makes him an ideal partner to help QS Energy bring these critical advances to an industry that needs them."

In addition to his recent on-site consulting with QS Energy, Mr. Rasmussen has served as a project - program manager and consultant for TransCanada Pipelines across a range of compliance-related projects including Keystone, Gulf Coast, KXL, and Energy East Pipelines. Mr. Rasmussen holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, is a registered Professional Engineer (PE), and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Mr. Rasmussen, along with his wife and three children, are looking forward to relocating to the Houston area.

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement:

Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About Applied Oil Technology

Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, Applied Oil Technology (AOT) is the energy industry's first pipeline flow improvement solution for crude oil, using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of engineering teams at numerous independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its demonstrated efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators motivated to improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents what we believe to be the premiere solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenging period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy

QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with leading university and crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors.

Image Available:

Company Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Investor Relations:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released June 30, 2017

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07/02/17 7:15 PM

#40856 RE: mr_sano #40848

INCORRECT according to the EVIDENCE below from the RECENT shareholders update about the PROVEN AOT. NEXT

QS Energy CEO Jason Lane Issues Shareholder Update

HOUSTON, TX -- (Marketwired) -- 05/25/17 -- QS Energy, Inc. (the "Company") (OTCQB: QSEP) is a developer of integrated technology solutions for the energy industry. The following is a shareholder update from Jason Lane, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, QS Energy, Inc.

Dear Shareholders,

It is a great opportunity and honor for me to join QS Energy as its new CEO and Chairman of the Board, and the first few weeks on the job have been an amazing ride. I have taken a deep dive into the Company's technologies and strategies; I have also had the chance to better know the entire QS Energy team, our business partners and our emerging customer base. I am energized by the ongoing developments under our current strategic plan -- one that I believe will efficiently stabilize the Company's capitalization, accelerate our sales cycle, push our Applied Oil Technology (AOT) to commercial operations, and create positive cash flow and long-term profitability for the Company.

All shareholders should know that I approach this new challenge with a clear sense of QS Energy's unique potential and the industry it serves. As a Texas oil veteran with more than 20 years of industry experience, I've managed large Landman operations; overseen acquisition and divestiture of more than 650,000 acres of oil and gas properties; bought and sold multiple royalty packages; and operated and drilled throughout the United States. Through all of those experiences, I've developed deep, high-level relationships throughout the oil industry and a clear understanding of the midstream transportation challenges this industry faces. I also understand, after many conversations about QS Energy with industry contacts, the great value that our AOT viscosity reduction technology brings to the crude oil transportation market.

Our strategic plan breaks down into three parts, all working toward common goals. In this letter, I would like to share the core essentials of that plan, as well as a bit more about our governing philosophy.

I. Adding Strategic Depth to Our Board

Our first order of business has been to fill the Company's open Board seats and complete a strong and highly engaged Board of Directors that can help execute on our vision. I joined the Board as its Chairman on April 1st. Concurrent to my appointment, and thereafter in May, the Board appointed three additional new Directors and nominated a fourth for election to the Board by shareholder vote. I am thrilled to introduce our sitting and nominated Board members who are slated to run for election at the Company's shareholder meeting on July 14th. I encourage you to read and learn more about our Board members in the Proxy Statement filed with the SEC on May 24th, 2017.

Current Board Members:

Jason Lane: Chairman and CEO of QS Energy. You've already read enough about me.

Gary Buchler: As COO of the Natural Gas Pipelines business unit at Kinder Morgan, Inc. (NYSE: KMI), Gary manages 3,900 employees, a $1.3 billion budget, and was instrumental in the acquisition and integration of more than $45 billion in pipeline assets at Kinder Morgan. Gary was appointed to the Board in May 2017 and serves on the Audit Committee.

Richard Munn: Richard is one of the top players in the royalty and mineral arena, with a track record of closing more than 50 transactions and $450 million in acquisitions over the course of his career. Richard has already begun leveraging his reputation and extensive network to make introductions regarding the AOT technology on behalf of QS Energy in the public and private energy sectors. Richard was appointed to the Board in May 2017.

Dr. Eric Bunting: As a physician, executive, and entrepreneur, Eric brings a unique perspective to the Board. As a significant investor in the Company, Eric also brings a true shareholder's perspective to all of the Board's responsibilities. Eric was appointed to the Board in April 2017.

Don Dickson: A long-time senior executive with Kinder Morgan and former CEO of Advanced Pipeline Services, Don has been a member of QS Energy's Board since 2013 and currently serves on the Company's Audit Committee.

Tom Bundros: CEO of Dalton Utilities and former CFO of Colonial Pipeline Company, Tom joined the Board in 2015 and was recently appointed Chairman of the Company's Audit Committee.


William Green: I look forward to Bill joining the Board in July after his retirement from Devon Energy Corporation. His 30-plus years of executive-level industry sales experience will be invaluable to our Company.

II. Expanding Market Adoption of AOT

The core mission of the new strategic plan is to accelerate market adoption of our AOT technology. From my first day on the job, I began talking with industry experts within and outside of QS Energy's partner and customer base. In these talks, I confirmed what I had already learned from my team at QS Energy -- that the potential operational and financial benefits of AOT are significant.

We face an unusual challenge, however, in expanding adoption. The majority of our customer base operates at a high level of confidentiality, frequently operating under NDAs and closely protecting all facets of their operations. We, too, must protect our intellectual property, operations and proprietary information. At the same time, potential customers need to "kick the tires" to see our equipment operating in the field under commercial operating conditions, watch real-time viscosity reduction in action, and have access to summary SCADA and in-field test data. NDA requirements have so far prohibited this type of access.

The key to overcoming this hurdle -- which I am taking on as a personal mission -- is to find a partner/customer and a location where QS Energy can jointly develop operations under relaxed conditions of non-disclosure, allow prospects to tour an operating facility, and provide them with summary operating data for review and detailed analysis.

As Gary Buchler explains, "AOT has the potential to solve a number of difficult operating issues common in the midstream transport market. To drive adoption in an industry that has traditionally been slow to adopt new technologies, we must increase market visibility of QS Energy and the financial and operating benefits of AOT."

We are moving quickly in our efforts to select a development partner and site location, and initiate a joint development agreement. Richard Munn and I have identified and approached a number of small to mid-sized target companies, and we are now working with a select group of targets who have expressed interest in providing transparent joint operations on an initial AOT installation, with an eye towards rolling out AOT throughout their pipeline operations.

III. Implementing New Equity Structure to Fund Critical Growth Capital

Delivering on this vision, of course, requires us to stabilize short-term funding needs and develop a strategic equity structure to drive long-term execution. Over the past two months, investors have shown interest in our convertible note private placement offering as described in our Form 10-Q filed with the SEC May 15th, 2017. Funds raised through this convertible note offering should be sufficient to cover operations for the next several months while providing funds necessary to retrofit our standing AOT inventory and implement improvements based on two years of in-field testing and operations.

That said, once we achieve true market adoption, we will need growth capital to fund expansion of our AOT inventory and manage corporate growth. To this end, we will be asking shareholders at our July 14th Annual Meeting of Shareholders to approve authorization of additional common and new preferred shares as described in our Proxy Statement filed with the SEC on May 24th, 2017.

The strategic goal of authorizing additional common and preferred Company stock is to provide an equity base we can use to fund growth in operating revenues and cash flows. The Board's challenge in accomplishing this goal is to minimize dilution in the best interest of our shareholder base.

"As a longtime investor and large shareholder, I am keenly aware of the Company's history and shareholder concerns," Dr. Bunting explained recently to the Board. "I could not be more excited by our upcoming opportunities, nor more supportive of the steps management has taken to appropriately capitalize QS Energy and optimally position the Company for growth. Our team has put in place a strategy designed to achieve commercialization of the Company's AOT technology while maximizing shareholder value."

To this end, in addition to using our common stock, we plan to use preferred stock to provide initiative-based offerings, which could command a higher price and be less dilutive than common stock offerings due to credit-enhancement, dividends and other preference features.

IV. Our Commitment to Open Communications and Transparency

Since taking over as CEO of QS Energy, I have met and visited with a number of shareholders. Through these meetings, I have learned how important full and complete transparency is to all of you. It is an issue of great importance to me as well. Our shareholders play an integral part in our Company and must know where we stand at all times. My management team has agreed to continue and expand a philosophy of openness and transparency into all of our practices and activities.

While I realize that information flow does have limits as required under SEC compliance and selective disclosure rules -- and to protect the intellectual property of our Company and those we work with -- we will work diligently within these bounds to keep our shareholders well informed. We continue to work with current and potential customers under strict nondisclosure and hope to have material updates for our shareholders in the near future. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience and understanding in these matters.

In closing, I would personally like to thank each and every shareholder who has been part of the journey to this point, and I look forward to bringing our AOT technology to full and complete adoption in the midstream and upstream crude oil transportation sector across the globe. It is with great pleasure that I invite our shareholders to QS Energy's 2017 Annual Meeting of Shareholders on July 14th, 2017, at the La Torretta Lake Resort in Montgomery, Texas, located approximately an hour north of Houston. For those of you who are unable to join us in person, we will be broadcasting the meeting's audio and computer screen presentations via live webcast that will be available on our company website at

Hope to see you all there.

Best regards,

Jason Lane
CEO and Chairman of the Board
QS Energy, Inc.
Tomball, Texas

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive Company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement:

Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About AOT (Applied Oil Technology)

Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, AOT (Applied Oil Technology) is the energy industry's first crude oil pipeline flow improvement solution using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of over 30 engineering teams at 19 independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its demonstrated efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators motivated to improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents what we believe to be the premiere solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenging period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy, Inc.

QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with leading crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors. More information is available at:

Company Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581

Investor Relations:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 805 845-3581

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released May 25, 2017

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07/02/17 7:20 PM

#40857 RE: mr_sano #40848

NOT TRUE according to the RECENT HOUSTON BUSINESS JOURNAL article below

Pipeline tech co. moves to Houston, names CEO, directors

Joshua Mann
5 June 2017
Houston Business Journal

QS Energy Inc.’s (OTCMKTS: QSEP) new CEO, board members and recent move to the Houston area are all signs that the company is undergoing a major change.

All of that is happening as the company prepares to move into commercial production of its pipeline viscosity reduction technology, CEO Jason Lane said.

“We’re working hard on it right now,” Lane said. “Things are moving as we speak.”

Until recently, QS Energy’s headquarters was in California, where it focused on developing its technology.

But now that it wants to begin the commercial phase of its life, its headquarters have shifted to Tomball, Texas, which is northwest of Houston, Lane said.

“This is the hub of the oil business,” he said. “Being here and being around a lot of the companies we’ll be dealing with helps tremendously.”

Lane said he had been based in Houston for about 20 years already before he took the QS job, and that he was the driving force behind the move.

Lane joined QS Energy as chairman and CEO on April 1. In addition to Lane, the company has also added two more directors to its board — Gary Buchler, a COO for one of Kinder Morgan Inc.'s (NYSE: KMI) business units, and Richard Munn, who works in the royalty and mineral arena.

"I approached several people in the industry to talk board appointments,” Lane said. "It’s going to be a tremendous help to have this kind of caliber."

Lane said he wants to leverage the industry contacts and experience of the board to jumpstart his company's commercial operations, which he said come at a good time in the industry cycle.

"This is the time," Lane said. “The business is picking back up, these pipelines are moving at capacity. The timing is perfect right now.”

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07/02/17 7:23 PM

#40858 RE: mr_sano #40848

ABSOLUTELY FALSE according to the EVIDENCE in the RECENT WORLD PIPELINES article below

QS Energy to commercialise applied oil technology for pipelines

Published by Stephanie Roker, Assistant Editor
World Pipelines, Monday, 26 June 2017 10:20

QS Energy (QSEP) is commercialising applied oil technology (AOT), a patented hardware system designed to reduce viscosity of crude oil while in transit in pipelines. AOT subjects crude oil to a high voltage/low amperage electrical field to reduce its viscosity, which permits it to flow in higher volume.

By integrating the AOT power supply with the hardware that controls and monitors a pipeline, typically situated in a remotely located control room, AOT provides pipeline operators with the ability to monitor and react to real time data to gain the best possible operational efficiencies.

Recently, Kinder Morgan tested its efficacy on condensate on the KMCC condensate pipeline serving the Eagle Ford Shale in south Texas with promising results. While installed on the KMMC line, the AOT system was benchmarked on a variety of super light and ultra light products.

QS Energy has relocated corp. headquarters to Houston (near The Woodlands). The move to Houston came as a result of Texas-based energy industry veteran Jason Lane's appointment as CEO/Chairman.