Perhaps Ben, but there is real action now taking place and the fact is that there's tremendous money to be made in the new MJ movement.
Wayne may have taken 9 years to get here but he is undeniably in the MJ market, has accomplished follow thru recently with real actions and is in communications with others to expand in the cannabis department. FACTS at hand.
I've only been in since January, I have my 53,000 divvy's in my Scottrade account, and Wayne has recently responded to my emails that proved to me that he has integrity. If you also have shares then we are all current LONGS sitting together at a no bid-what's your choice?
"To Da Moon with UNGS"! There's a bright light and we're sitting on the bottom floor looking up! Com'on board and join the dream Marina party here that's supporting this board-WAY more fun over here to ride through the growing pains of a company that may have just now found its golden ticket!