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06/30/17 7:15 PM

#113637 RE: andrewflying #113635

Of course, I am sick about the share price. I am angry that Solomon ever took on the Megafarm project. With the previous business model, we'd all have cashed out by now -- very happily.

I am upset because I recommended the stock to many friends, colleagues, and family. If the company doesn't succeed, I will feel responsible for their losses as well, even if they don't hold me accountable.

I too, added shares over the past year. I have never sold one share of SIAF. I know how stupid that makes me. Because of my inside perspective, I've taken the time to learn about China. Of course, I don't think I have any deep insight, but I have a deeper appreciation for Solomon's challenges.

What I would like to see here, on iHub, is loyal shareholders working together in common interest. Let's figure out who the bad actors are -- the people who are shorting or whatever other tricks are happening. Let's brainstorm on ways that we can actually convince Solomon to change some of his priorities. It has not happened, despite so many different efforts. Even Fredrick Danielsson, who is very influential with Solomon, has not been able to get approval to do proper IR and PR.

My lifetime motto has been "a problem well defined is a problem half solved."

Complaining repetitively does not add value, it does not help "define the problem." Contributions that add perspective and knowledge about SIAF might help. Let's all work together in our common interest, despite the fact that only Solomon has the power. Somebody who thinks proactively instead of just complaining might come up with an idea that will appeal to and enlighten Solomon.

Perhaps I am naive. But nothing else that has been tried so far has worked.
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06/30/17 9:42 PM

#113646 RE: andrewflying #113635


All of the IR in the world won't matter if Solomon fails to execute his business plan. He is focused on that, and although there are many challenges, delays, and obstacles, he manages to achieve his goals.

That's what's important. The COSO stuff is tedious, time-consuming, and not-for-public knowledge. Solomon is working diligently. I believe it will happen.

Watching the share price, however, is excruciating.